Products: DLX Databases


Global Data

Haver’s global data offering is unparalleled in terms of coverage, quality and organization. We are the premier provider of time series data for the global strategy, research and quant communities. We deliver primary-sourced databases, a wealth of key survey and forecast data from our industry partners, and a robust offering of archive databases that drive machine learning for big data applications.

We continuously display up-to-the-minute data from over 2500 government and private sources via integration with Microsoft Office and all leading statistical packages through our DLX® software and platform-independent HaverViewTM site.

Precision is the cornerstone of our data offering. All data we deliver runs through robust quality processes overseen by highly experienced database managers who are specialists in the content they manage, develop and support.


  • Archive Databases from Haver’s Data Warehouse provide terabytes of time series and meta data.
  • The data are true snapshots of DLX databases unrevised from the point in time of update.
  • Monthly snapshots of primary sourced databases from 2000 or inception for the database by Haver.
  • Weekly snapshots from 2007 or point of inception for the database.



  • New academic module for Universities providing over 120,000 economic and financial time series for the U.S. and UK.
  • Key categories include National Account (GDP), Production, Labour Market, Inflation, Monetary/Fiscal Policy and International Trade.
  • High-frequency data covering financial variables and drivers of the real economy and key ESG environmental indicators.
  • Plus, time series from the IMF on 190+ countries to aid cross comparison.



International Organizations

These databases include data from the Bank for International Settlements, the European Central Bank, Eurostat, the European Commission, the OECD, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, and the World Bank. They provide comparable statistics for macroeconomic indicators for countries and regions.

European Union Data (EUDATA)

Harmonized statistics for the member states of the European Union and the euro area including aggregates. Covers main series of national accounts, widely used business and consumer surveys, consumer and producer price indexes, government finance, numerous industry statistics, retail trade, trade in goods, balance of payments and many various labor indicators. Additional financial detail for the euro area is also included. Data are from Eurostat, the European Central Bank and the European Commission.
Archive Data Available from 2011

European National Accounts (EUNA)

Contains detailed quarterly and annual national accounts and harmonized integrated economic (nonfinancial) accounts from Eurostat. Nonfinancial accounts are organized by economic sector and cover concepts such as GDP, GVA, gross saving, gross operating surplus, market output, taxes and subsidies.
Archive Data Available from 2013

European Surveys (EUSRVYS)

Over 180,000 series covering the entire EC’s Business and Consumer Survey and the ECB’s Survey on the Access to Finance of Enterprises (SAFE). The database includes economic sentiment (ECI), business climate (BCI), and flash consumer confidence (CCI) indicators, capacity utilization as well as subsector NACE 2-digit level confidence indicators for industry, financial services, retail trade, construction and investment.
Archive Data Available from 2013

European Financial Data (EUFIN)

Contains financial accounts by institutional sector, general government consolidated financial accounts, aggregated accounts of EA and other EU MFIs, EA securities issues, and security holdings statistics. Financial accounts cover series on financial transactions and balance sheets from the ECB and Eurostat by sector.
Archive Data Available from 2013

European Government Finance (EUGOV)

Harmonized government expenditures by function for European countries from Eurostat. Annual series are provided for 10 functions including health, defense, and social protection by a breakdown of expenditures such as gross capital formation and compensation of employees. Data are available for general, central, state, and local government and social security and begin as early as 1990.
Archive Data Available from 2013

European Macro Forecasts (AMECO)

Contains the European Commission Directorate General for Economic Affairs’ (DG ECFIN) entire annual macroeconomic data set AMECO. These data cover a wide range of topics such as national accounts, trade, employment and debt. AMECO includes 2-year forecasts and is updated 3 times per year.
Archive Data Available from 2013

European International Transactions (EUINT)

Contains detailed international trade, balance of payments and IIP data by trading partner for EU member and candidate countries. Series include values in euros, unit value indexes and volume indexes, and SITC commodity detail. Also contains BOP and IIP data from both the ECB and Eurostat.
Archive Data Available from 2014

European Trade Detail (EUTRADE)

Contains detailed imports and exports by 2-digit HS for EU member countries, the EU and the euro area with the EU’s top 70 trading partners. Four-digit HS detail is available for 50 external trading partners. Also contains extra-EU trade by 9 modes of transportation. Monthly data from Eurostat begin as early as 1988.
Archive Data Available from 2019

European Labor (EULABOR)

Detailed labor force survey data by member country. Harmonized regional employment statistics EU member countries including employment and number of employees by main NACE economic activity for NUTS level 2 regions. Quarterly labor market transition data for the EU members beginning in 2010.
Archive Data Available from 2007

European Demographics (EUPOP)

Offers demographic data from Eurostat and the European Commission’s Ageing Report. Population by age, gender, educational attainment, and region are available. Migration statistics are reported by age group, gender and country of citizenship. Data on asylum applications, fertility and mortality are also included.

OECD Main Economic Indicators (OECDMEI)

Macroeconomic data for the 35 member countries, aggregates including the euro area, and transition countries such as China, Russia, India and Brazil. Data are available monthly, quarterly and annually beginning as early as 1960. Categories include employment, national accounts, construction, industrial production, prices, trade and BOP. Corresponds to the monthly publication from the OECD.

OECD Quarterly National Accounts (OECDNAQ)

Quarterly data for the components of national income for OECD member countries beginning as early as 1970. Also included for regional aggregates are comparative measures of purchasing power parity compiled from OECD estimates. Corresponds to the quarterly publication from the OECD.

OECD Annual National Accounts (OECDNA)

Annual national accounts from the organization’s annual publication, National Accounts Volume I: Main Aggregates and National Accounts Volume II: Detailed Tables. Data are available beginning as early as 1960 for OECD member countries and aggregates, are based on SNA 93, and include comparative data using both purchasing power parities and exchange rates.

OECD Labor Force Survey (OECDLFS)

Offers the LFS summary table for all OECD countries, Brazil and five aggregate regions covering population, labor force, employment and unemployment by gender. Employment is further divided into agriculture, industry, services and the self-employed. Annual data extend as far back as 1956.

OECD Government Finance (OECDGOV)

Brings together a number of datasets available from the OECD that focus on public sector finances. Quarterly public sector debt includes detailed information on debt instruments issued by sector. Gross debt is presented by maturity, instrument, currency denomination and residence of creditor. Marketable and non-marketable central government debt by instrument is available. General government accounts facilitate comparison of revenues and expenditures across countries.

OECD Financial Accounts and Balance Sheets (OECDFIN)

Annual data for OECD countries from the OECD’s National Accounts Vol. IIIa: Financial Accounts – Flows and Vol. IIIb: Financial Balance Sheets – Stocks. Data values begin in the early 1970’s and are based on SNA 1993 for cross-country comparisons. In addition, the database includes the types of financial instruments used by different sectors to acquire financial assets or to incur liabilities. The balance sheets give a picture of financial net worth at the end of each year by sector and by financial instrument.

OECD Foreign Direct Investment (OECDFDI)

Inflows, outflows, inward position and outward position are provided for each OECD country with over 70 partner countries and country aggregates. Flows are presented in national currency and US$. In addition, tables by sector by country and by country by sector are available. Annual values begin in 1982.

OECD Economic Outlook (OUTLOOK)

Provides quarterly and annual history and projections for national accounts, BOP, employment and other economic indicators for the OECD member countries and 20 aggregates including OPEC, the Asian NICs and Africa.

OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook (OECDFAO)

The OECD-FAO’s Agricultural Outlook report provides a forward-looking assessment of the major agricultural commodities in biofuels, cereals, oilseeds, sugar, meats, fish and dairy. Concepts include production, consumption, trade, yield, use balances and prices. Data are available annually for OECD countries and 22 other countries as well as 11 world regional aggregates beginning in 1990 and are forecasted out 10 years.


Contains OECD’s Trade in Value Added (TiVA) principal indicators organized by world region. Data track the origins of value added in exports, imports and final demand by each country in the production of goods and services that are consumed worldwide. Series cover 64 economies plus 18 aggregates providing nearly 8 million annual series. Forty-six indicators are available for 55 industries.

Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS)

The IMF’s CPIS is the only global survey of portfolio investment holdings. It collects information on cross-border holdings of equities and long- and short-term debt securities by the country of residence of the issuer. Data are annual starting in 2001 and semi-annual starting in 2013. Data are augmented by information collected on two confidential surveys — Securities Held as Foreign Exchange Reserves and Securities Held by International Organizations.

Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (CDIS)

Presents detailed data on “inward” direct investment positions by country of the immediate investor, and data on “outward” direct investment positions by the country of immediate investment from the IMF. It contains breakdowns of direct investment position data, including net equity and net debt positions. Data are annual beginning in 2009.

United Nations Population Projections (UNPOP)

Demographic data with projections through the year 2050 for 165 countries, 6 major regions and the world for total and working age population and for 18 different age groups by gender. Fertility and mortality rates are also provided.

U.S. Census Bureau International Demographics (INTPOP)

The Census Bureau’s International Data Base (IDB) which has demographic data for over 200 countries collected from a variety of sources. Census began this project in the early 1960s and currently projects all the demographic concepts through 2099. History varies depending on country and concept, but population is available for over 200 countries starting in 1950. Population by sex is provided for single ages through 100 years and in 5-year groupings. In addition, there are statistics on fertility, mortality and net migration.

African Development Bank Statistics (AFDB)

Contains the AfDB Socio Economic Database covering macro and socioeconomic data for African countries as well as regional aggregates such as COMESA, WAEMU and Sub-Saharan Africa. Macroeconomic concepts cover public finance, national accounts, agriculture, energy production, trade, labor market and population. Other indicators include education levels, environmental data, infrastructure and poverty prevalence. Data are annual, start as early as 1960, and often have forecasts for the current and next few years with population forecasts out to 2030.

World Development Indicators (WDI)

Offers annual data collected by the World Bank and 30 partners covering more than 860 concepts for over 200 countries. A smaller set of concepts is reported for 56 additional economies. Indicators are grouped into topic areas which include Development Framework, Environment, Social Indicators, Exchange Rates and Prices, Financial Statistics, External Debt, Government Finance, Balance of Payments, Trade and National Accounts. Values begin in 1960 for many countries and concepts. Also includes the Worldwide Governance Indicators from the World Bank.

World Commodity Prices (WBPRICES)

Timely monthly and annual prices for 76 key commodities and price indexes for 14 broad commodity categories for emerging countries from the World Bank Development Prospects Group. Also known as the Pinksheets, monthly data begin in 1983 and annual data begin in 1960.

Debt Statistics (WBDEBT)

Includes the World Bank’s International Debt Statistics (IDS) and Quarterly Public Sector Debt (QPSD). IDS includes public and private external debt as reported by 138 countries to the World Bank. Projections for disbursements & debt service for the next ten years are also available. QPSD contains the end of period debt position for general and central government, financial and nonfinancial public corporations and the total public sector for 80 countries in US$, local currency and as a % of GDP.

Global Financial Development (WBGFD)

Contains the World Bank’s Global Financial Development Database. Data cover over 100 financial system characteristics for over 200 economies and include measures of the size of financial institutions, the degree of access to financial services, the efficiency of financial markets, and the stability of markets.

Quarterly External Debt Statistics (QEDS)

Provides detailed external debt data for 122 countries starting as early as 1998 from the World Bank in collaboration with the IMF. These countries subscribe to the IMF’s Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) or are a participating country in the GDDS. Data are consistent with both the 2013 External Debt Statistics and the Sixth Edition of the BOP and IIP Manual (BPM6).

World Federation of Exchanges (WFE)

Statistics from the World Federation of Exchanges collected from 64 regulated exchanges around the world. WFE covers equities, fixed income, and derivatives. Equities coverage includes domestic market capitalization, number of listed companies and trades in equity shares, value of share trading, investment flows, securitized derivatives, exchange traded funds as well as broad stock and blue chip index performance. Fixed income statistics cover a number of bonds listed by type, value of bond trading by sector and bond issuance. Monthly data begin as early as 1991.

Balance Of Payments (IMFBOP, IMFBOPA)

Quarterly and annual balance of payments (BOP) and international investment position (IIP) detail from the IMF’s Balance of Payments Statistics. Data are presented in US$ and local currency, and cover 185 countries plus country aggregates. BOP data are provided in both analytic and standard presentations. Quarterly data begin as early as 1962, annual data begin as early as 1948.

Direction of Trade Statistics (IMFDOTM, IMFDOT)

Monthly and annual exports and imports from the IMF’s Direction of Trade Statistics. Covers trade by 250 trading partners as reported by 200 countries. Monthly data begin as early as 1980, annual in 1948.

Regional Economic Outlook (IMFREO)

Regional economic outlook (REO) reports are periodically produced by the IMF for a number of regions. These reports vary from region to region with different amounts of historical data and different outlook horizons. Contains reports for the Middle East & Central Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa , Asia & Pacific, Western Hemisphere and Central, Eastern & Southeastern Europe.

Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS)

The IMF’s CPIS is the only global survey of portfolio investment holdings. It collects information on cross-border holdings of equities and long- and short-term debt securities by the country of residence of the issuer. Data are annual starting in 2001 and semi-annual starting in 2013. Data are augmented by information collected on two confidential surveys — Securities Held as Foreign Exchange Reserves and Securities Held by International Organizations.

Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (CDIS)

Presents detailed data on “inward” direct investment positions by country of the immediate investor, and data on “outward” direct investment positions by the country of immediate investment from the IMF. It contains breakdowns of direct investment position data, including net equity and net debt positions.
Data are annual beginning in 2009.

United Nations Population Projections (UNPOP)

Demographic data with projections through the year 2050 for 165 countries, 6 major regions and the world for total and working age population and for 18 different age groups by gender. Fertility and mortality rates are also provided.

U.S. Census Bureau International Demographics (INTPOP)

The Census Bureau’s International Data Base (IDB) which has demographic data for over 200 countries collected from a variety of sources. Census began this project in the early 1960s and currently projects all of the demographic concepts through 2099. History varies depending on country and concept but population is available for over 200 countries starting in 1950. Population by sex is provided for single ages through 100 years and in 5-year groupings. In addition, there are statistics on fertility, mortality and net migration.

U.N. University World Institute Statistics (UNUWIDER)

Contains the Government Revenue Dataset (GRD) covering government tax and non-tax revenues, social contributions, and grants as a percentage of GDP. It also includes a portion of the government’s revenue from natural resource extraction. Annual data covers 200 countries, beginning as early as 1980, and is derived from OECD Revenue Statistics, IMF Government Finance Statistics, and IMF Article IV reports.

Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)

Covers ASEANstats, the official ASEAN Statistics Division database, offering harmonized macroeconomic, socioeconomic, resource and sustainable development indicators for ASEAN countries (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam). Harmonized indicators cover GDP, trade in goods, trade in services, foreign direct investment, population, labor force, employment by industry, transportation, tourism, land area and sustainable development indicators. Annual values start as far back as 1995 with nominal and real GDP provided quarterly from 2012.

Delivering precision data for 45+ years and counting.

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