Products: DLX Databases


Global Data

Haver’s global data offering is unparalleled in terms of coverage, quality and organization. We are the premier provider of time series data for the global strategy, research and quant communities. We deliver primary-sourced databases, a wealth of key survey and forecast data from our industry partners, and a robust offering of archive databases that drive machine learning for big data applications.

We continuously display up-to-the-minute data from over 2500 government and private sources via integration with Microsoft Office and all leading statistical packages through our DLX® software and platform-independent HaverViewTM site.

Precision is the cornerstone of our data offering. All data we deliver runs through robust quality processes overseen by highly experienced database managers who are specialists in the content they manage, develop and support.


  • Archive Databases from Haver’s Data Warehouse provide terabytes of time series and meta data.
  • The data are true snapshots of DLX databases unrevised from the point in time of update.
  • Monthly snapshots of primary sourced databases from 2000 or inception for the database by Haver.
  • Weekly snapshots from 2007 or point of inception for the database.



  • New academic module for Universities providing over 120,000 economic and financial time series for the U.S. and UK.
  • Key categories include National Account (GDP), Production, Labour Market, Inflation, Monetary/Fiscal Policy and International Trade.
  • High-frequency data covering financial variables and drivers of the real economy and key ESG environmental indicators.
  • Plus, time series from the IMF on 190+ countries to aid cross comparison.



U.S. Specialized Databases

Haver Analytics’ regional databases cover economic conditions in U.S. states, metropolitan areas, counties and cities. These databases contain weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual data published by federal, state and local governments and various trade associations. These proprietary databases are provided to Haver Analytics by consulting firms and economic research centers. Each database concentrates on its organization’s area of expertise about the economy or the financial markets.

Conference Board Database (CBDB)

Contains 3 monthly U.S. surveys compiled by The Conference Board. Includes a survey on consumer confidence by region, age and income group, and consumer attitudes on the business situation, income, employment and future spending plans. The CEO confidence survey measures business executives’ expectations by industry. Help-Wanted Online headline series are also included.

U.S. Business Cycle Indicators (BCI)

Monthly data of the leading, lagging and coincident indexes and their components as compiled by The Conference Board. Contains over 250 series including the net contributions to change of the components and other monthly and quarterly cyclical indicators.

Consumer Sentiment Survey (FIBERUS)

Monthly data covering the detail underlying the U.S. indexes of consumer sentiment, consumer expectations and current economic conditions from The University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers. Monthly and quarterly series also include indicators on buying, business and government conditions as well as income expectations and trends.

U.S. Business Cycle Indicators (FIBERUS)

U.S. monthly leading and coincident indexes together with their components from the Foundation of International Business and Economic Research (FIBER). These indexes cover growth, inflation, employment, industrial production, service sector activity, financial services and trade. FIBER’s industrial materials price index, a core price index plus their component indexes are also included. History for most series extends back to the 1950’s.

Consumer Sentiment Survey (UMSCA)

Monthly data covering the detail underlying the U.S. indexes of consumer sentiment, consumer expectations and current economic conditions from The University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers. Monthly and quarterly series also include indicators on buying, business and government conditions as well as income expectations and trends.

Delivering precision data for 45+ years and counting.

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London, EC2M 5QQ, UK
+44 (0) 207 847 1979

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Republic Plaza
Singapore 048619
+65 6817 1438

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Marunouchi 8F
1-11-1 Marunouchi,
Tokyo 100-6208, Japan
+81 3 6860 8390