Global Data
Haver’s global data offering is unparalleled in terms of coverage, quality and organization. We are the premier provider of time series data for the global strategy, research and quant communities. We deliver primary-sourced databases, a wealth of key survey and forecast data from our industry partners, and a robust offering of archive databases that drive machine learning for big data applications.
We continuously display up-to-the-minute data from over 2500 government and private sources via integration with Microsoft Office and all leading statistical packages through our DLX® software and platform-independent HaverViewTM site.
Precision is the cornerstone of our data offering. All data we deliver runs through robust quality processes overseen by highly experienced database managers who are specialists in the content they manage, develop and support.
- Archive Databases from Haver’s Data Warehouse provide terabytes of time series and meta data.
- The data are true snapshots of DLX databases unrevised from the point in time of update.
- Monthly snapshots of primary sourced databases from 2000 or inception for the database by Haver.
- Weekly snapshots from 2007 or point of inception for the database.
- New academic module for Universities providing over 120,000 economic and financial time series for the U.S. and UK.
- Key categories include National Account (GDP), Production, Labour Market, Inflation, Monetary/Fiscal Policy and International Trade.
- High-frequency data covering financial variables and drivers of the real economy and key ESG environmental indicators.
- Plus, time series from the IMF on 190+ countries to aid cross comparison.
U.S. Economic Detail
Haver Analytics’ U.S. databases cover U.S. economic and financial history from the early 1900s to the present. The databases contain monthly, quarterly and annual data published by the U.S. government, various newspapers and numerous trade associations.

National Accounts (USNA)
Complete national income and product accounts from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, including monthly personal consumption expenditures, personal income in millions of dollars, auto detail and key source data.
Business & Consumer Expectations (SURVEYS)
Outlook for future business and economic conditions including surveys from Federal Reserve Banks, Purchasing Managers, the National Association of Home Builders, Manpower, Challenger and the NFIB. Includes weekly surveys from Redbook, ICSC, ABC News, the MBA and Freddie Mac.
Consumer Price Indexes (CPIDATA)
Monthly consumer price indexes and relative importance detail by region, MSA and city-size class as published in the CPI Detailed Report. Also includes average prices paid for commodities, utilities and fuels, CPI for older Americans, chained CPI, department store inventory price indexes and CPI research series.
Producer Price Indexes (PPI, PPIR)
Stage of processing, commodity and industry-based price indexes published monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the PPI Detailed Report.
Employment & Earnings (LABOR)
Monthly payroll figures by industry from the Establishment Survey reported in the Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment and Earnings.
Household Survey (EMPL)
Contains the complete monthly household employment data from the Current Population Survey of households from the BLS.
Covered Employment and Wages (CEW)
Monthly and quarterly employment and wage data derived from quarterly tax filings of businesses with employees. Data are presented by 6-digit NAICS and by size of establishments beginning in 1990.
Occupational Employment Statistics (OES)
Annual occupational statistics covers employment and wage estimates for over 800 occupations by 3-digit NAICS industries.
Industrial Production (IP)
Complete industrial production detail including electric power use for 285 industries and industry groups published monthly in the (G.17) Federal Reserve Board release, Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization.
Financial Accounts (FFUNDS)
Financial accounts (Z.1) from the FRB. Financial assets and liabilities by sector and transaction type as well as Balance Sheet items.
Capital Stock (CAPSTOCK)
Complete net stock, depreciation, average age and investment data reported in the BEA publication Fixed Reproducible Tangible Wealth in the US. Detailed estimates by industry and by type of equipment or structure.
International Transactions (USINT, USTRADE)
Detailed international trade in goods and services, international transactions, foreign direct investment in the U.S., U.S. direct investment abroad, foreign transactions in long-term securities (TIC data) by country and product. USTRADE includes trade data by country by 5 and 6-digit NAICS commodity detail.
American Time Use (ATUS)
This survey measures the amount of time people spend on various activities and is the only federal survey that includes nonmarket activities such as childcare, volunteering & leisure activities. Data are collected by age, sex, race, education, marital status, and household type. Annual data from the BLS Statistics begin in 2003.

U.S. Economic Statistics:
Regional Detail
Haver Analytics’ regional databases cover economic conditions in U.S. states, metropolitan areas, counties and cities. These databases contain weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual data published by federal, state and local governments and various trade associations.
Selected Regional Indicators (REGIONAL, REGIONW)
Monthly bankruptcy filings, mass layoff statistics, unemployment insurance claims, numerous house price measures, housing starts, coincident activity indexes, and exports by state and/or MAs. Also includes annual state government finance, construction put in place, motor vehicle registrations, Medicare payments, and homeownership, rental vacancy and homeowner vacancy rates by state and MAs. Weekly series covering initial claims and coal production by state as well as raw steel production by area. Seasonally adjusted initial claims are calculated by Haver Analytics.
Monthly Payroll Employment (LABORR)
Monthly establishment survey data from BLS for over 400 industries in all 50 states and over 250 MAs. Data begin as early as 1946.
Labor Force and Unemployment (EMPLR, EMPLC)
Monthly household survey data from the BLS for states, cities, counties, MSAs and PMSAs. Data cover labor force, number employed, number unemployed and the unemployment rate. State data are both seasonally adjusted and unadjusted from 1970; area data are not seasonally adjusted and begin in 1980.
Covered Employment and Wages (CEWC, CEWR)
Covered employment and wages by county for 12 NAICS industries and by state by 4-digit NAICS industry from the BLS. Wages and number of establishments are reported quarterly by industry for counties and by size of establishment and industry for states. Employment is reported monthly. Data are obtained from quarterly tax filings of businesses with employees covered by state unemployment insurance programs and federal employees covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees.
Annual Employment by Industry (BEAEMPL, BEAEMPM)
Annual employment (including proprietors), and wage and salary employment by place of work. Covers 3-digit NAICS detail for the 50 states, the eight BEA regions, and all metropolitan areas and 2-digit NAICS detail by MA.
Residential Building Permits (PERMITS, PERMITP)
Annual, monthly and monthly YTD residential permits by type for states, metropolitan areas, counties and permit-issuing places from the Census Bureau. Data begin as early as 1980.
Gross Domestic Product by State and MSA (GSP, GDPMSA)
Annual current and real Gross Domestic Product estimates for 50 states & 8 BEA regions for over 80 NAICS industries beginning in 1977. Compensation of employees, gross operating surplus, property-type income, subsidies and taxes on production and imports are also included. Current and real GDP for 363 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) are available beginning in 2001 for 61 NAICS industries.
Income by place of residence, derivation of disposable personal income, earnings by place of work and earnings by industry. Annual and quarterly data for states and regions; annual data for all metropolitan areas and counties. Data begin as early as 1929.
Mortgage Delinquency Rates (MBAMTG)
Quarterly delinquency rates of 1- to 4-unit residential mortgage loans reported by the Mortgage Bankers Association. Also contains the number of mortgage delinquencies calculated by Haver Analytics. Data for the total U.S. and Census regions begin in 1972. Data for states and Census divisions begin in 1979.
Bankruptcies by State, County and MSA (BANKRUPT)
Contains monthly and quarterly bankruptcy filings by state, circuit court and district, and annual filings by county and MSA beginning in 1991. Bankruptcy filings are reported by chapter (7, 11, 12, 13) for business, non-business and total.
Annual Survey of Manufactures by State (ASMR)
Annual data collected by the Census Bureau begin in 2008 for employment, earnings, hours, value added, cost of materials, value of shipments and capital expenditures for 108 manufacturing industries.
Population by Age and Sex (USPOP, USPOPC)
Annual resident population by age, sex and race for 50 states and the 9 Census regions. Total population for MA’s and number of housing units, household income and vital statistics by state and region. Projections are available for total resident population through 2030 for states. USPOPC contains county population by 5 year age groups and sex begins in 1970, and housing units.
Trade by Port (PORTS)
Monthly value and shipping weight of imports and exports passing through 443 ports and 46 customs districts. Data begin in Jan 1996 and cover shipments by vessel and by air as well as value by port by country.
Exports by Industry and Country (EXPORTSR)
Quarterly state exports by industry by country starting in 1997 from WISER (the World Institute for Strategic Economic Research, formerly MISER) and the Census Bureau. Exports are reported in terms of value and weight by air, vessel or container for 31 NAICS industry groups and over 300 countries. Annual export data include series by world area.
Government Financial Statistics (GOVFIN)
State and local government annual revenues by source and outlays by function from the Census. Includes timely quarterly tax revenues from the Rockefeller Institute of Government.
FDIC Banking Statistics (FDIC)
Contains monthly and quarterly bankruptcy filings by state, circuit court and district, and annual filings by county and MSA beginning in 1991. Bankruptcy filings are reported by chapter (7, 11, 12, 13) for business, non-business and total.
CORELOGIC Home Price Indexes (COREHPI)
Offers monthly price indexes by type of structure, by purchase price and by purchase date of prior sale for the US, states, counties and metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas. Purchase-price indexes are available for four different price categories relative to the median house price as well as for conforming and nonconforming loan segments.
HOMEBASE Hourly Work Statistics (HOMEBASE)
Contains daily percentage rates on the state of hourly work at US small businesses from Homebase, a scheduling and time tracking tool used by 100,000 businesses and their hourly employees. These rates compare each day to the median for that day of the week during the month of January 2020. Data are for the US by industry, and by state & MSA.
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