Global Data
Haver’s global data offering is unparalleled in terms of coverage, quality and organization. We are the premier provider of time series data for the global strategy, research and quant communities. We deliver primary-sourced databases, a wealth of key survey and forecast data from our industry partners, and a robust offering of archive databases that drive machine learning for big data applications.
We continuously display up-to-the-minute data from over 2500 government and private sources via integration with Microsoft Office and all leading statistical packages through our DLX® software and platform-independent HaverViewTM site.
Precision is the cornerstone of our data offering. All data we deliver runs through robust quality processes overseen by highly experienced database managers who are specialists in the content they manage, develop and support.
- Archive Databases from Haver’s Data Warehouse provide terabytes of time series and meta data.
- The data are true snapshots of DLX databases unrevised from the point in time of update.
- Monthly snapshots of primary sourced databases from 2000 or inception for the database by Haver.
- Weekly snapshots from 2007 or point of inception for the database.
- New academic module for Universities providing over 120,000 economic and financial time series for the U.S. and UK.
- Key categories include National Account (GDP), Production, Labour Market, Inflation, Monetary/Fiscal Policy and International Trade.
- High-frequency data covering financial variables and drivers of the real economy and key ESG environmental indicators.
- Plus, time series from the IMF on 190+ countries to aid cross comparison.
Trade &
These proprietary databases are provided to Haver Analytics by consulting firms and economic research centers. Each database concentrates on its organization’s area of expertise about the economy or the financial markets.

U.S. Industry Statistics (INDUSTRY)
Includes production, shipments, sales, trade and inventories by NAICS classification for several major industries. Also includes productivity by NAICS from BLS, data on corporate income tax returns by industry from IRS, monthly car and light truck sales by company and origin, domestic shipments of appliances from AHAM, port, airport and railroad statistics.
Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM)
U.S. statistics on 600+ industries covering 14 concepts such as spending, value added and cost of materials.
Contains global sector statistics covering lumber, oil extraction, rubber, restaurants, health, electrical machinery and chemicals by selected country or world region. Electrical machinery data include semiconductor sales and trade detail for selected countries. Health data covers daily COVID-19 statistics and trade in medical goods. The database also contains miscellaneous country sector detail.
Auto Statistics (WARDS, WARDSINT)
Monthly motor vehicle statistics including sales and production by vehicle type covering the world from Ward’s Automotive Group. Ward’s global statistics cover vehicle sales and production in 45 countries as well as 11 country aggregates. Monthly data by vehicle type begin in 2005. Data covering North America include vehicle sales, inventory, production and production forecasts for 11 vehicle types. Vehicle sales are available by country of origin by vehicle type. Inventory data are available for the U.S. by county of origin and vehicle type. Most data begin in 1985 with U.S. data starting in 1980.

Transport and Freight
Railcar Loadings (RAILSHAR)
Weekly revenue freight traffic statistics for major U.S., Canadian, and Mexican railroads covering 19 commodity groups from the Association of American Railroads and Atlantic Systems.
Includes global statistics on motor vehicles, roads, ports, airports and railroads. Detailed port statistics for various countries are sourced by each port. Airport statistics include passenger and cargo traffic (domestic and international) for 40 countries. Also includes motor vehicle use by country, European road lengths and some railroad statistics.
Baltic Freight Indexes (BALTIC)
Price indexes covering the major world freight traffic routes compiled by the Baltic Exchange in London. It includes the Baltic Dry (BEDI), Capesize (BCI), Panamax (BPI) and Supramax (BSI) indexes.

Tourism (TOURISM)
Provides detailed tourism statistics for over 80 countries from country’s statistical offices and tourism ministries and boards. National as well as regional, state and city data are included when available. Concepts include visitor arrivals and departures and hotel stays by resident status, purpose, country and type of travel, depending on availability. Other statistics include stays by accommodation, length of stay, same-day and overnight visitors, number of hotel rooms, and tourist revenue and expenditure.

World Agriculture Statistics (USDA)
Contains USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service’s Production, Supply and Distribution (PSD) data covering over 100 agricultural commodities and over 200 countries. Concepts include beginning and ending stocks, production, yields, imports, exports, domestic and foreign consumption, distribution, area planted and area harvested. Data begin in 1960, are annual and updated each month.

Real Estate
Existing home sales data from the National Association of Realtors. Sales by state and region, median sales price by metropolitan area and housing affordability for the total U.S. Supplemental surveys include the month’s supply of homes by selected metropolitan areas.
Pending Home Sales (PREALTOR)
Pending home sales indexes from the National Association of Realtors. Monthly data are available for the U.S. and by region. Quarterly unpublished data are available by metropolitan area.
Confidence Index & Housing Survey (NARRCI)
Contains monthly detail underlying the Realtors Confidence Index (RCI) from the National Association of Realtors®. Realtors report on market conditions and expectations in their area covering topics such as buyer/seller traffic, price trends, number of days on the market, distressed sales, buyer profiles and financing, credit scores, rent trends and other issues affecting real estate. Also provides detail on price trends by state. Values begin as early as 2008.
Housing Statistics (HOUSING)
Contains two large surveys of the U.S. housing stock conducted by the Census Bureau. The Annual Characteristics of New Housing contains such details as the number of bedrooms/bathrooms, wall materials, type of foundation, presence of air-conditioning, heating systems by fuel type, lot size, parking facility, # of stories, mean & median sq. footage, price per sq. foot, type of financing and closing costs. Annual values begin in 1973. The American Housing Survey data are biennial since 1985 and include size of unit and lot, fuel types by purpose, year built, and monthly housing costs, valuation & taxes paid.
Canadian Housing Statistics (CREA)
Housing statistics including sales, new listings and average sales prices for both residential and non-residential properties from the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) for Canada, Canadian provinces and selected cities. Sales are reported in both units and Canadian dollars. Inventory is available for residential properties. In addition, Multiple Listing Service® (MLS) home price indexes (HPI) are reported for specific types of homes. Data are reported monthly, quarterly and annually depending on the concept starting as early as 1980.
These databases from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), OPEC, The Energy Intelligence Group, the Joint Organisations Data Initiative, Edison Electric Institute and various company and country sources are dedicated to the global energy industry.

International Energy Statistics (ENERGY)
Focuses on the global energy market with history and forecasts covering over 200 countries and world regions. Concepts covered include production, consumption, prices, reserves, imports, exports, inventories and refining statistics as well as CO2 emissions and energy intensity measures. In addition to crude oil and petroleum liquids, the database includes data on coal, natural gas, biofuels and electricity. Daily series on electricity by European country are also available sourced from ENTSO-E. Sources include the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), OPEC, British Petroleum, Statistics Canada and many other country sources.
U.S. Energy Statistics (USENERGY)
Many of its nearly 270,000 data series come from the EIA. Remaining series come from private firms and other government agencies. Most concepts reported at the national level are also reported by state and in the case of petroleum by PADD. There is substantial detail on electricity by state and net generation including solar, wind, geothermal and other renewables.
Oil & Gas World Database (JODI)
The JODI (Joint Organisations Data Initiative) Oil World Database includes series on production, imports, exports, refinery intake, stock changes and stocks for several petroleum and natural gas products for over 90 countries. Data are monthly and begin in 2002. JODI is made up of seven member organizations –APEC, Eurostat, IEA, IEF, OLADE, OPEC, and the UN Statistics Division– and was founded in 2001 in an effort to bring greater transparency to the oil market.
U.S. Electric Output (EEI)
Weekly electric utility output for the total U.S. and by 9 regions from the Edison Electric Institute.
Oil Market Intelligence (OMI)
Provides monthly oil supply, demand, inventory and price data needed to analyze market trends in Asia, Europe and the Americas from Energy Intelligence. Data cover crude and refined product stocks and demand by country as well as wellhead production at the country level. Includes refinery economics and activity in major centers, including netback values and margins for key crudes. Also provides data on refinery runs and spot, futures, crack-spread and formula prices.
Natural Gas Week (NGW)
Focuses on North American natural gas and power markets from Energy Intelligence. Prices go back to the start of U.S. spot gas trading. Daily spot prices, high, low, average volume and average deals are provided by interstate, intrastate, hub and citygate for the U.S. Weekly and bidweek spot prices, Canadian spot prices, gas rig counts and gas storage in billions of cubic feet are also reported. Composite wellhead and pipeline prices are also available monthly back to 1985.
World Gas Intelligence (WGI)
Offers weekly gas and power prices plus spark spreads for major North American hubs as well as for 3 locations in Northwest Europe from Energy Intelligence. Monthly data include LNG import prices and volumes for Japan and South Korea, key European border prices, and North American spot gas and comparative fuel prices at important hubs and citygates. Also provides quarterly gas and electricity prices for industrial end-users in seve key European countries together with comparative figures for heating and fuel oil.
Country Specific Detail

Covers China’s major sectors in depth and focuses on 15 sectors including agriculture, manufacturing, housing & construction, education, health, financial services and tourism. Data have been collected from China’s National Bureau of Statistics and the People’s Bank of China as well as from a number of regulatory and industry sources such as China Electricity Council, Banking Insurance Regulatory Commission, China Railway, China Iron and Steel Association and China Internet Network Information Center.

Daily Commodity Markets (CMDTY)
Covers the world-wide commodity and energy market with spot and future prices, indexes, and stocks. Includes detailed daily metal prices, futures prices and warehouse stocks from the London Metal Exchange (LME), futures from the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), the Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE), and the CME Group. The CME Group includes the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and CBOT futures exchanges. Also includes annual prices back to 1901 for 99 commodities from the U.S. Geological Survey, and complete weekly commitments of traders’ data from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission covering nine exchanges.
Metal Statistics (WBMSR, WBMSC, WBMST, WBMSS)
Contains monthly data for over 120 countries and aggregates for major nonferrous metals such as aluminum, copper, gold, lead, nickel, silver, tin, zinc and other selected minor metals and major ferrous metals such as steel, iron ore and various products from the World Bureau of Metal Statistics (WBMS). Detailed data on production, consumption, inventories and trade are included. Production data include mined and refined production where applicable; inventories include exchange holdings, as well as private sector holdings and trade, includes import and export detail by stage of processing and detailed product type. Values begin as early as 1995.
Non-Energy Mineral Statistics (USGS)
Offers statistics from the US Geological Survey on non-energy minerals for the US and other countries as well global aggregates. It is built from five major publications that provide annual data back to 1901 and monthly figures beginning as early as 1948. Statistics on production, distribution, stocks and consumption of significant mineral commodities are available for approximately 90 commodities for over 175 countries, with additional detail for the US.
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