Products: DLX Databases


Global Data

Haver’s global data offering is unparalleled in terms of coverage, quality and organization. We are the premier provider of time series data for the global strategy, research and quant communities. We deliver primary-sourced databases, a wealth of key survey and forecast data from our industry partners, and a robust offering of archive databases that drive machine learning for big data applications.

We continuously display up-to-the-minute data from over 2500 government and private sources via integration with Microsoft Office and all leading statistical packages through our DLX® software and platform-independent HaverViewTM site.

Precision is the cornerstone of our data offering. All data we deliver runs through robust quality processes overseen by highly experienced database managers who are specialists in the content they manage, develop and support.


  • Archive Databases from Haver’s Data Warehouse provide terabytes of time series and meta data.
  • The data are true snapshots of DLX databases unrevised from the point in time of update.
  • Monthly snapshots of primary sourced databases from 2000 or inception for the database by Haver.
  • Weekly snapshots from 2007 or point of inception for the database.



  • New academic module for Universities providing over 120,000 economic and financial time series for the U.S. and UK.
  • Key categories include National Account (GDP), Production, Labour Market, Inflation, Monetary/Fiscal Policy and International Trade.
  • High-frequency data covering financial variables and drivers of the real economy and key ESG environmental indicators.
  • Plus, time series from the IMF on 190+ countries to aid cross comparison.



Advanced Economies

This group of databases is updated from national statistical offices, central banks and other national sources. They provide the timeliest data for the countries included with new country coverage added regularly. Haver Analytics also calculates additional seasonally adjusted series, US$ series, regional GDP aggregates, productivity and unit labor costs data.

Country Summary Statistics (G10+)

Key comparable macroeconomic and financial indicators with basic industry detail for 20 European countries, the U.S., Japan, Canada, Australia and New Zealand plus the EU and euro area. Haver Analytics also calculates additional seasonally adjusted series, US$ series, world and regional aggregates for key indicators, productivity and unit labor costs data.
Archive Data Available from 2002

U.S. Economic Statistics (USECON)

Haver Analytics’ primary database of U.S. economic and financial data updated within minutes of release. Data cover national accounts, prices, housing, construction, industrial production, interest rates, money supply, public finance, wholesale and retail trade, manufacturers’ shipments, inventories and orders, employment, productivity, population, international trade and business cycle indicators.
Archive Data Available from 2000

Japan (Japan)

Over 172,000 series covering the Japanese economy. Extensive macroeconomic and industry data, surveys including the full Tankan survey, complete financial/flow of funds data and METI production statistics. Weekly domestic and international statistics include interest rates, commodity prices, bond yields and Tokyo stock price indexes.
Archive Data Available from 2000

Canada (Canada)

Canadian economic and financial history since 1921 updated on a daily basis from Statistics Canada, the Bank of Canada, the Department of Finance and the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Over 119,000 data series cover prices, housing and construction, employment, industry, national accounts, trade, and major financial statistics.
Archive Data Available from 2012

United Kingdom (UK)

Contains detailed data from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) as well as the Bank of England and other UK government and trade associations. Includes series from the CBI Trades Survey, the BCC Quarterly Economic Survey, OBR and BoE forecasts, RICS Surveys as well as numerous housing price indexes from Halifax, Hometrack, Rightmove, Nationwide and the Land Registry.
Archive Data Available from 2000

Germany (Germany)

Indicators for Germany from the Deutsche Bundesbank, Statistisches Bundesamt, Ifo and the Ministry of Finance. Includes extensive capital market, public finance, national account and trade data, series from the Ifo- Business Climate Survey and the ZEW Financial Market Survey (G-mind). Data by state and for West and East Germany are also presented.
Archive Data Available from 2000

France (France)

Statistics from INSEE, the Bank of France, the Ministry of Finance, the French Treasury (AFT), the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Customs Agency. Includes extensive business and consumer surveys, flow of funds and national account detail, and data by region.
Archive Data Available from 2000

Italy (Italy)

Comprehensive statistics from Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT), Banca d’Italia and the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Includes the consumer, business, and services surveys from ISTAT. Monthly data begin as early as 1921.
Archive Data Available from 2000

Spain (Spain)

Detailed indicators covering the Spanish economy from the Instituto Nacional de Estadística, the Banco de España, and other national sources. Data begin as early as 1930.
Archive Data Available from 2000

Ireland (Ireland)

In-depth data on the Irish economy from the Central Statistics Office, Central Bank, Economic & Social Research Institute, and Department of Housing, Environment, & Local Government. Covers industrial detail for IP, retail sales, inventories, employment and trade, as well as key housing data.
Archive Data Available from 2002

Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden (NORDIC)

Over 150,000 series covering the Scandinavian economy. Data are from national statistical offices and central banks. Includes Finland’s Survey on Business Tendencies and Sweden’s Consumer Confidence from NIER.
Archive Data Available from 2002

Austria, Cyprus, Greece, Malta, Portugal, Switzerland (Alpmed)

Contains detailed indicators from each country’s national statistical office and central bank. Includes extensive data on Austria’s national accounts, Switzerland’s business cycle indicators, and Greece’s labor force survey.
Archive Data Available from 2002

Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg (BENELUX)

The BENELUX database contains detailed macroeconomic and financial time series for each country monthly beginning as early as 1921. Data are sourced from national statistical offices and central banks.
Archive Data Available from 2002

Australia & New Zealand (ANZ)

Over 96,000 series covering industry detail on employment, national accounts, sales and inventories, prices and trade. Economic and business surveys are available from institutions such as the Westpac-Melbourne Institute. Data begin as early as 1946 and are from each country’s central bank and national statistical office.
Archive Data Available from 2002


Advanced Economies:
Regional Country Detail

This group of databases is updated from national statistical offices, central banks and other national sources. They provide the timeliest data for the countries included with new country coverage added regularly. Haver Analytics also calculates additional seasonally adjusted series, US$ series, regional GDP aggregates, productivity and unit labor costs data.

Australia & New Zealand (ANZR)

Contains a wide range of regional data for Australia and New Zealand including national accounts, consumer price indexes, labor force, population and building permits. Key surveys, such as the Consumer Sentiment Index and Performance of Services Index, are available by state and territory for Australia.

Belgium, Netherlands (BENLR)

Offers macroeconomic indicators for the 12 provinces of the Netherlands as well as COROP regions and municipalities. Data for Belgium are available for its 3 regions and by province, arrondissement and municipality. COROP regions of the Netherlands and Belgian arrondissements correspond to the European Union’s NUTS 3 statistical regions. Data from private sources such as ABF Research and Policy Uncertainty are also available.

Canada (CANADAR)

Canadian data by province and metro area from Statistics Canada, the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), Industry Canada, Department of Finance Canada, Export Development Canada, and the Ontario Ministry of Finance and the Institut de la Statistique du Quebec. Includes over 310,000 data series covering government finance, bankruptcies, national and economic accounts, CMHC housing starts and completions, consumer prices, labor force, retail trade detail, EDC trade confidence indexes and trade.

France (FRANCER)

Contains regional, departmental and city-level data for a number of macroeconomic and financial indicators as well as population statistics. For some concepts, data are available for domestic and overseas departments as well as old and new metropolitan regions. Data come from sources such as the Banque de France, National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE), the Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Transportation.

Germany (GERMANR)

Contains a number of economic and demographic concepts for the 16 federal states including GDP, CPI, employment, gross wages, unemployment, job vacancies, household disposable income, public finance, construction and building permits, gross value added, business registrations, business surveys, capacity utilization, motor vehicle stocks, exports and imports. Sources include Statistisches Bundesamt, Federal Ministry of Finance, Deutsche Bundesbank, Ifo-Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung, Bundesagentur fur Arbeit, Europace AG, Hypoport and the various state statistical offices.

Italy (ITALYR)

Contains a number of economic, financial and demographic concepts for Italian regions and provinces including GDP, CPI, unemployment, employment & hours worked by industry, consumer & business surveys, local government debt, imports & exports, residential & commercial real estate prices and population by gender. National account concepts are available by region and industry for gross value added, gross fixed capital formation, wages & salaries and compensation. Data are from the Istituto Nazionale di Statistica, Banca d’Italia and Osservatorio sul Mercato Immobiliare di Nomisma.

Japan (JAPANR)

Provides a broad range of regional and prefectural data for Japan from a variety of sources. In addition to many macroeconomic indicators such as the regional CPI and prefectural accounts, it also contains a number of surveys on price expectations, consumer confidence and expectations for the future economic situation. All Bank of Japan Tankan surveys are included.

Portugal & Switzerland (ALPMEDR)

Data for Switzerland’s 26 cantons and wider geographical areas come from the Federal Statistical Office, Swiss National Bank, Federal Customs Administration and the statistical offices of Basel-Stadt, Geneva and Zurich. Data for Portugal are reported by national sources such as the National Statistical Institute of Portugal and the Bank of Portugal and cover municipalities, metropolitan areas and autonomous regions depending on the concept.

Spain (SPAINR)

This database contains macroeconomic concepts for the 19 Spanish regions from a number of sources including the Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Banco de España, Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social, Intervención General de la Administración del Estado and the Ministerio de Fomento. Data series cover public finance, prices, GDP, employment and trade. Also includes data for the 52 provinces for a select number of concepts such as mortgages, GDP, employment and international trade.

United Kingdom (UKR)

Contains statistics covering England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Data are available for unitary authorities, county and district councils, boroughs and cities depending on the concept. Datasets include trade by SITC commodity by region, gross value added by industry up to the NUTS3 level, dwelling stock by district, and labor market detail. Data are also sourced from the Scottish Government and include public finance.

Delivering precision data for 45+ years and counting.

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